Workingman’s Death (2005)

We live in a time where hard working men have been substituted by machines. Consequence: the dissapearence of the traditional working class. Or perhaps not?  Are workingmen just becoming invisible?  Where can you find them in the 21th century? The documentary “Workingman’s Death” shows five exemplary groups of workers across the world which have not directly benefited from the advances in technology: coal miners in Ukraine, sulfur miners in Indonesia, ship-breakers in Pakistan, workers of a slaughterhouse in Nigerian and workers of the steel industry in China. Five stories told through beautiful and at the same time shocking images.



torrenttorrent 1 [4.36GB]

Rapidshare: part01, part02, part03, part04, part05, part06, part07, part08part09part10part11, part12, part13, part14, part15.


official siteOfficial site

imbdWorkingman’s Death” @ IMBd

3 Responses to “Workingman’s Death (2005)”

  1. its an eye-opener, thank you for sharing this.

  2. CD2 doesn’t seem to work!

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